I put almost everything I code up on my GitHub account. Lots of random snippets, unfinished projects, online tutorials, etc. This page is a semi-curated list of my most complete or up to date stuff.
Programming Cliffnotes
Snippets of the most common syntax from a variety of programming languages. The idea is a basic reference manual for someone who swaps languages often.
Coding Interview Problems
Some interview style coding problems, mainly pulled from things like Cracking the Coding Interview and
Programming Interviews Exposed.
Algorithms and Data Structures
Classic Algorithms and Data Structures. Initially based on Algorithms, 4th Edition and it's associated Coursera course.
Java: How to Program
Repo for working through all of the examples in Java How to Program, 10/e (Early Objects).
Head First OOAD
Repo for working through all of the examples in Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design.
Eloquent JavaScript
Repo for working through all of the examples and exercises from Eloquent Javascript.
App Tracker
A simple web app for people to be able to track job applications.
Teeny Tiny CSS
My attempt at a lightweight, unopinionated responsive CSS/JS framework to use in my personal projects.
49th Floor
The website for my side freelance web development business.
MEAN Machine
Repo for working through the exercises from MEAN Machine.
Coursera Full Stack Specialization Notes
Notes and examples from the Coursera Full Stack Web Developer Specialization.
Repo for working through the exercises from
JavaScript Sorts
Classic sorting algorithms.
Simple grid you can 'draw' on with JavaScript.
Arcade Game
Finale project for Object Orientated JavaScript - Udacity.
Will Code For Food
A job board specifically for developers looking for their first job. Built in Rails.
Lynda CMS
The project from Lynda's Rails 4 Essential Training course.
It's a little ugly, but touches on all the important parts of a simple but complete Rails app.
Username: testaccount
Password: secret
Restaurant Finder
Final project from Lynda's Ruby Essentials Course.
Ruby Koans
My progress through Ruby Koans.
Test First Ruby
From's Ruby exercises
Library Sim
Simple Library simulator, from a code challenge.